
Reciprocity and Community

a little chance to get us started in conversation and hopefully come to an agreement so you can join in with our storywalk!

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 5

First off, have you ever done a Storywalk before?


no, I haven't


yes, but I still feel new


yes, I'm comfortable and familiar with the experience

Question 2 of 5

Okay, next important question, how do you LIKE to be in online community? Are you someone who thrives on commenting? Are you the kind of participant who is willing to go deep in your shares? Are you someone who's good at finding typos and link glitches? Or, if you're being totally honest are you not an online community persona and prefer to do the work privately by yourself? I want to know your natural inclinations so we can brainstorm an agreement that benefits everyone.

Question 3 of 5

What are you genuinely able to pay to participate in this class? (If you don't have art supplies, make sure to budget for that before landing on what you can realistically offer.) And to be clear, I totally trust the answer you come up with!

Question 4 of 5

In super broad strokes, please describe your current situation and why simply purchasing the course isn't the best option. To be clear, this isn't about proving anything. I'm asking because  I want to know you and what you're up against right now.

Question 5 of 5

Thanks for being in conversation with me. Is there anything else you want to add? Or something your heart wants to offer in exchange that might seem random? I'm all ears.
I'll email you back after I get this in my inbox - I'm usually fast but it may take a day or so. If you don't hear from me within 48 hours, please email me and let me know my inbox ate your answers!

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