This registration is for the "soloquest" version of Window: The tale of Rapunzel.
“Rapunzel would have saved herself a whole lot of grief if she’d tied one end of her plait to the bed and abseiled out of that window down her own sodding hair, then given herself an adorable pixie cut at the bottom, punched the witch in the tits, told her parents to get to fuck for selling her for a CABBAGE, and gone off and kicked some arse in the world.” Gill Sima
Let's use the windows of this tale - the window of the kitchen, the window of the tower, and the (cough) windows of the soul - to see what we haven't been seeing about the spells we were sold into and the entrapments we never left.
Your purchase gives you immediate and permanent access to this course. It was originally delivered to the community as a six week Storywalk. But you are invited to work through the prompts in the way that works for you!
(Note: this course is included with any of the ongoing subscription options.)