Most anyone can blurt statements like I love you as I love my life and I love you better nor all the world. But it takes a special kind of quirky to proclaim:
I love you as fresh meat loves salt.
"Cap O Rushes" is a story about honoring what you love. Not prosaic platitudes and shellacked social media but the subtle and gritty bits that give life genuine flavor.
Are you ready? Because it's time to double check the default settings and set out to discover your own salty truth!
Over these ten weeks you will be playfully prompted to step outside of what's comfortable, to muck around in your version of the muddy pond and dirty pots - learning and owning who you are.
The true magic is experienced moving prompt by prompt in a deepening conversation with yourself. But if you've never taken a course with me and would like to see a bit of what you might be getting are peeks at some prompts:
This registration is for the "soloquest" version of For the Love of Salt originally delivered in 2020.
Your purchase gives you immediate and permanent access to this course. It was originally delivered to the community as a ten week Storywalk in 2020 with a prompt a day. But you are invited to walk through the prompts in the way that works for you!
(Note: this course is included with any of the ongoing subscription options.)