Eight Nights One Answer.

DREAMY: Using your Dream Life as an Oracle

In 2009 I did one of the most fulfilling experiments of my life: I started a blog called 108 Nights. On the sidebar it said: "Every night we dream. Rich fragrant dreams, weird upsetting dreams, silly reenactment dreams, enlivening hope feeding dreams. I love dream time and I find that when I pay more attention to it, it pays more attention to me. This is an experiment. 108 Nights of Dreams posted as poems, an homage. Will you join me?"

I invited all my friends to post along with me and began to write a poem every single morning based on my dreams. Yes, for 108 nights. (It was so good I promptly did it again!)

I've always been a dreamer but what happened when I started really REALLY listening to my dreams was ridiculously powerful. It's as if my dreams woke up and started telling me more truths, started talking to me, loudly.  They started pointed the way, emphatically and unequivocally. Over a hundred dreams pointing me out of where I was stuck and into my future. 

I learned that poetry - quick short poems - were absolutely ideal for pulling the oracle threads out of dreams. I learned that my body would literally break out in goosebumps when I found the right line that told truth.  I felt more alive and more in touch with myself than ever.  The experiment was a precursor to my most daring leap - the one that landed me square in my new life with my current family.

I don't know whether I wouldn't have made the same large leap without those poems, but I do know that following the guidance from my dreams made me one hundred percent sure that my daring path was the only true choice.

This course  DREAMY: EIGHT NIGHTS, ONE ANSWER is an evolution of what I discovered during that 108 night experiment.  There's a playful little pdf for you to print out.  I'll give you tips and shares each day (and a prompt for if you didn't dream). You'll begin by getting really clear on your question and, by the end, the dream oracle will deliver your answer. 

  • Click play above to preview the opening video for a peek at the pdf...

Add this course to your permanent library for only $8. I can't WAIT to hear the dream oracle's answer to your question!


I find a live scorpion in a drawer
and a crab drawn
on the height of my left foot

I wake up to the voice saying clearly
“you are guarding nothing”

I’m not sure what it means

but it is true